Friday, January 4, 2008

2008 don't be late ... it will start without you

So it is 2008 .... more of the same ... some of the same is worth having more off ... my babes are a joy, my man boy husband can be a delight, my nearest and dearest gen x girlies are fabbo. But life is complex, full, challengeing and fast paced ... hours slip by and bam the year is gone.

I blinked sometime in March 2007 and then opened my eyes again and it was December ... somehow eight months of a year passed by without me really knowing how ... and now my two year old is a three year old, my four year old is a five year old, my darling brother and his brilliant wife and four boys are back from the far north, I have been married for seven years - a personal best - and I am approaching 41 years young - ouch !

Being an Australia Day baby I am use to low key celebrations - as a kid we were always on school hols so no big in classroom celebrations. So this bday I am having family over at morning tea and then (drum roll pls) three of the best of the best gen X Brisbane based girlies over to mum's place for arvo tea ... A child free, husband free, testosterone free zone ... Yippeee yi ya :) I am very much looking forward to this as all four of us share common life themes ....

1) late to mothering
2) first child starting prep this year
3) husbands we love and detest in nearly equal parts
4) professional qualifications that have no relation to parenting
5) frustrations with parenting/love/life/work/self balanaces
6)motherloads of guilt associated with various aspects of life
7) a love of chocolate

Well my window for self indulgent random thoughts has just closed - back to paid employment for now ...


wife in the north said...

good for you. Keep on blogging - it's good for the soul

Frankofile said...

been there, done that, out the other side, life just gets better... so it seems in this nanosecond. then again, if only I'd had a blog to keep some sort of fix on time back then.

What am I writing? I'm only a decade or so ahead of you. But perhaps I can review things through your eyes.. do keep blogging