Thursday, January 17, 2008

Just an idea ...

Some of us gen X girlies have an idea .... a bit of thought maybe .... if for some reason all our significant others end up on a bus that goes over the proverbial cliff then we might just sell up the family home, move to a rural seaside location, buy a sprawling estate on the edge of town and just be.

Some of us would nurture, some of us would earn dollars, some of us would be sporty, some of us would be arty, some of us would be scholarly and some of us might even have another baby.

And all of us would enjoy having the pool boy, hay boy, garden man, odd jobs lad or whatever you want to call him come a knockin every week or so to reign down on us with his sexual favours.

No one, not one of us wants a man to move in a a permanent basis. We have been there done that and while it is fun for a time it can become tiresome, irksome and plain pain in the butt some after a while.

If we found a man we liked lots we might even build him a wee cottage down in the far corner of the garden with a big occupied / unoccupied sign for the door and keep him for fun times.

Hmmm always good to have a contingency plan as life does throw the odd curve ball .... anyone want the last two seats on a guys only bus trip to Cape ....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've always loved this idea of yours. (Should we call you "Randy" for short after your last blog?)Husbands are great most of the time, and having finally found my libido again after 18 months of sleep deprivation and breastfeeding, I would truly miss mine, but the idea of a houseful of women supporting each other and (hopefully) sharing the chores is very appealing. And it would be SO great for the kids. One of my girlfiends would like to find three or so likeminded buddies and jointly buy a huge house divided into flats or a small purpose built block of units. All families could then have their own space but the kids enjoy running around the yard together and the families give each other lost of practical and emotional support. It would be especially great for single mums. Her ultimate dream would be to build such a place from scratch along eco sustainable lines. What a great dream. But she didn't think of the "handyman" in the shed!